Monday, 21 April 2014

I am back

Oh my God....It's been 4 years now that I had not get any chance to write here. Too many things has been happening life was a roller-coaster.

Professional life....changing job and gave up to work for others. Been running my own business in the work skills that I enjoy the most. Steady but hopefully will get better over a time.Italian saying "Ognuno e artefice della propria vita" - which means we are control of our destiny and here we go...I took the step. 

Personal life...I am single again. It's kind of mixed feelings after 9 solid years in the relationship. In some way I feel scared of the absolute freedom I have and in some way I feel happy that I have the freedom to plan anything in my life without any interfere from anyone. Mmmmhhhh......but so far I enjoy it after struggled to accept the fact my relationship was ended in shame for months...but's better to happen now then another 9 years later. 

The kids....they're grown up. Christma will be in Senior High School in 2 months time. She's starting to date and also follow his brother spreading his charming. Ulala....

The most important now is focusing in one of time of the priorities I make...the list is not too long but it's really give me pressure. Anyhow I have to cope with it and back to basic..."come ti fai il letto, cosi dormirai" 

Got to go now but will be back soon. Mwwahhhh